Victoria Nuland Out: USA’s Peace Offering to Russia? | Finepoint


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Victoria Nuland Out: USA’s Peace Offering to Russia? | Finepoint Victoria Nuland's departure from the Biden Administration signals a significant shift in US foreign policy, especially concerning Ukraine and Russia. Nuland, known for her hawkish stance on Russia and instrumental role in US-Ukraine relations, leaves behind a legacy marked by interventionism and covert interference. Her exit raises questions about the future of US military aid to Ukraine, particularly amidst Russia's advances in the region. Nuland's replacement by John Bass, a former ambassador to Afghanistan, hints at a potential redirection in US strategy.Speculation arises that Nuland's departure may serve as a peace offering, paving the way for diplomatic negotiations to end the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Reports suggest quiet discussions between US and European officials regarding possible peace talks with Ukraine, indicating a potential shift away from a confrontational approach. As Ukraine prepares a peace proposal for Russia, Nuland's exit may signal a recalibration of US policy towards a more diplomatic resolution.